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Whakatipu Anglican Parish Hall / Lounge / Kitchen Conditions of Use



Bookings :       These are via email   or ph  Tina 021 156 3564


Cancellations: We ask you to advise us as soon as possible should you wish to cancel your booking. 

As this is a working Church it is important to understand that there are events that may affect your booking such as Easter Holy Days, pre-booked Church events, Weddings and Funerals. 


Cleaning after use:     Please ensure that the Hall / Lounge / Kitchen are swept and /or vacuumed and mopped after use and that any flowers, food scraps, paper etc are all removed.  Bathrooms to be checked and left in reasonable condition.  Please dispose of any rubbish in the council bins outside the hall area.


If the facilities are left after use in an unsatisfactory condition the Parish will call in a commercial cleaner at the hirers cost.


Floors:             Where possible we ask that shoes be removed for games and running around, especially in wet weather and muddy conditions.


Smoking:         All our buildings are NON-SMOKING at all times. The buildings are all historic and we ask you to be mindful even if smoking outside.


Parking:           Is NOT permitted on the church lawn at any time.


Damage:         Please leave a note under the door of the Parish office or phone the Vicar if you discover or cause any damage.  Repairs caused by misuse of the premises will be at the TOTAL cost of the hirer.


Entrance to the Hall:  Please only use the main door to the facilities (at the glass atrium).  If you open any other outside doors, please ensure that they are securely locked before you leave.


Safety Exits:    All doors to the hall should be considered safety exits and kept free of obstructions at all times.


Kitchen:          The main hot water heater on the wall by the oven remains on at all times.

Please leave tidy and all dishes used are washed and put away.


Main Switchboard / Lights / Heating:           The main switchboard at the street entrance serves the hall and our Parish offices.  IT MUST NOT BE TURNED OFF AT ANY TIME.

On leaving the hall, please make sure all lights in the side rooms, kitchen and especially toilets are switched off.



The heaters operate on a thermostat.  Over the winter months the hall heaters are required to be left on at a minimum of 10C overnight to prevent the fire sprinkler system from freezing.  We acknowledge users over the winter months will need to increase the temperature during use, but require the thermostat to be returned to 10C when you leave.  Heaters not returned to the base setting or not turned off in the lounge will incur a $50.00 surcharge per use to cover the cost of additional power.


Stage:  The stage should not be used as a play area for children.


Hourly Rate Charges: You will be charged for the time that you have access and use of the facility.  In the past we have had issues with people overlapping due to requiring access prior to their allocated time.  This is not fair to other users.  It is important to request the full time that you require and respect those start and finish times. Please advise our Hall co-ordinator ( if you find other users not adhering to this.


First Aid Kit:    There is a First Air kit located in a kitchen cupboard near the fridge.


In summary:   This facility is in a very historic building which has been lovely refurbished for community use and administered by the Whakatipu Anglican Parish. 

The Hall and Parish is maintained by volunteer parish members.  We ask that you respect this facility so that it is available for community use in years to come.


The basic rules are:


·      If you eat from it, drink from it, or cook in it, please wash and put away where you found it.

·      If you move it, please put back.

·      If you switch it on, please switch off.

·      If you unlock it or open it, please close and lock it.

·      If you turn on or turn up the heating – return it to the original setting (ie. off or back to the 10C setting.)

·      Take away all rubbish and leave the premises as you found them

Anglican Parish of Wakatipu

St Peter's Parish Centre

2 Church Street

Queenstown 9300,

New Zealand

CALL 03 442 8391

email :


email :

phone : 022 342 9977

03 442 8391 however the office message machine is largely unmanned: see mobile # this page

© 2017-2023 Anglican Parish of Wakatipu

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