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Prayers for Trinity Sunday

4th June 2023

God in three persons, blessed Trinity, on this special day, we come before you to offer our thankful praise. You are God, the creator, giving us richly all things to enjoy. You are Christ the Saviour of the world, made flesh to set us free. You are the Spirit of truth and love, willing to dwell in us. One God, eternal Trinity, be near to us, your people.


(Longer Silence) : personal reflection.


In response to the call today “Lord, in Your Mercy” Our plea is, “Hear our prayer.”


(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayer


God in three persons, blessed Trinity, we pray for Your church throughout the world, for those that are thriving and those which have lost a sense of hope and direction for the future.  We give thanks for Your parish here in The Wakatipu, its people from near and far, and gladly acknowledge all the gifts You have given us. May we continue to welcome the stranger and share our faith with others.


(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayer

God in three persons, blessed Trinity, we remember all who bear the responsibility of leadership, for heads of state, ambassadors and political advisers, mayors, councils, and all people of influence; let Your will for our world be accomplished through the decisions they make and give them a vision of a just and better way of life for everyone.

(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayer

God in three persons, blessed Trinity, we pray for peace in the world, in our communities and our families: create in us a love for peace, not peace that is absent from struggle, nor peace that is blind to injustice but the peace that makes whole what now is broken.


(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayer


God in three persons, blessed Trinity, we remember this morning those who are sick, sad or lonely and those who are brave and patient when things are going wrong. We pray that they may be aware of Your comforting presence and know that in Your hands they are safe and loved.


We now raise before you those who have asked for our prayers … Rose, Mark, Fiona (here in the Wakatipu), Deb, David, Barbara and Lynley (in Christchurch), Andrew, Fiona, Glenys in Dunedin, Sam (in Singapore) and others we now name aloud, or in the silence of our hearts, and those who are known only by you.


(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayerGod in three persons, blessed Trinity, we remember before God, those who have died and we pray for all whose life is saddened by the death of a loved one, be with them in their loneliness and let them know that Jesus Christ is the light of the world a light which no darkness can quench.


May all the faithful departed rest in peace as they most surely have risen in glory.


(Short Silence) Lord, in your mercy:  Hear our prayer


Father God, lead us into the coming week, Son of God, help us to believe that you are close to us, Spirit of God, keep us from making mistakes, Triune God, help us never to disappoint you, and when we face hard decisions or difficult work, when we enjoy ourselves and have fun with others may we know that you share ALL these times with us.


Merciful father: accept these prayers for the sake of your Son, our Saviour, Jesus Christ.  Amen

Anglican Parish of Wakatipu

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